Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dare to Dance

I dare you to get a bit silly this week - it's time to dance.  Dance like no one is watching :-).  Dance by yourself.   Dance with a friend.  Dance with someone special.  Dance with your dog.  Just dance!  Dancing is good for the heart (physically, emotionally and spiritually).  Take at least 5 minutes this week and dance.

Check out Matt's dancing video on the youtube gadget to the side of this post.  Search "Dancing 2008".  Click on it and be inspired to dance. Please visit Matt's website and read "All about Matt" (it's an interesting read).

Dancing just for fun,

"I do not try to dance better than anyone else.  I try only to dance better than myself."  Mikhail Barshynikov

"When the music changes, so does the dance." African Proverb

"Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, sing as if no one is listening, love as if you have never been hurt an dance as if no one is watching."  Anonymous

"It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.  It is the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance.  It is the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give.  And the soul afraid of dying never learns to live."  Bette Midler

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are You Still Growing?

Take 5 minutes and read this article from the New York Times "If You're Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow" by Janet Rae-Dupree.
Please cut and paste this link into your internet browser:

Tell the Truth as you ponder these questions this week:

Do you believe that your own abilities can expand over time?
Do you live with a "growth mind-set"?
Do you want to have a "growth mind-set"?
How will a "growth mind-set" serve you?
How will having a "growth mind-set" set you free?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dare to Get "IT" Done!

What's at the top of your procrastination list? Would you like to get that task done now? How much has it been "weighing on you"? How long has it been on the list? Is it something you really want to get done? Give that question some careful consideration.

On a scale of one to 10 (10 being high priority) - what is it's priority? If it's a 5 or above on the priority scale, please see the steps below to get it done. If it's below a 5 on the priority scale, would you be willing to take it off your list and let it go? Chances are that if it's on your procrastination list - it's either something you don't really want to accomplish or there's a step to the accomplished task that is difficult for you or that makes you feel stuck. Here's some tried and true way of getting it done.

Steps to getting "IT" done:

1) Take some time "sitting" with the vision of the task completed. How will it feel to have it done? How will it feel to check it off the list? How free will it feel?

2) What's getting in the way of getting it done?

3) Can this task be broken down into smaller steps? If so, what are the small do-able steps to getting it done? Commit to take 15 minutes in the next two days and come up with the list of small do-able steps. Make a reasonable estimate of how much time each step will take and write it down next to the step on the list.

4) How can I get these small steps done? Are you the kind of person that likes to do the hardest thing first? If so, do the more difficult steps first. If not, do the smaller, more manageable steps first. This will give you momentum to keep towards the goal of completing the task. If you'd like use the parking lot approach (see below). Most importantly, do what works best for you.

5) Is there a small step you can do with a friend? Who can you ask for help with the difficult steps?

6) How can you use your strengths to get around the roadblocks? (see below)

7) Give yourself a reasonable deadline. Set reasonable deadlines for each small step. Ask someone you trust to hold you accountable.

8) Celebrate in a simple way when you've gotten a particularly difficult step out of the way.

9) Plan a greater celebration for when "IT" is all done! Use what you've learned for the next time you feel stuck or feel like you are procrastinating.

Getting it done,

Parking Lot
You are the parking lot attendant. It's your job to move all of the cars out of the parking lot. Move out one parked car at a time. Each step is a parked car. If it's a larger step - commit to moving one car out of the lot a week. If it's a smaller step - commit to moving one car out of the lot each day. Celebrate once all the cars are out of the lot. Your job is done :)

Signature Strengths
If you'd like to take a signature strengths inventory - visit www.authentic Register and take the VIA strengths inventory. It's a quick 240 multiple choice questions. It gives you a ranking of your top strengths. As a coach, I like to encourage my clients to use one or more of their top 8 strengths with tasks they find difficult to complete. It really helps to tackle a difficult task with one of your strengths. For example, creativity, playfulness and sense of purpose are 3 of my top strengths. When I'm stuck, I use my creativity to figure out how to make the task fun and meaningful. Believe me - this approach really works.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Girl Effect

I dare you to watch Girl Effect of Youtube (See youtube on the side of the posts and search Girl Effect). Change starts with a girl. Think about that. What kind of changes do you want to make in your world? Is there a girl within your sphere of influence that needs you to invest in her? Is there something that you want to do on the global front? I dare you to ponder these questions. Sit with them. What step can you take right now? Please tell a girlfriend what change you want to make and why - it will help hold you accountable to action. Take the first step. Remember change starts with one small step.

For more information about Girl Effect, please visit or become a fan of Girl Effect on facebook.