Friday, January 22, 2010
She's just braggin'...
Lifetime guarantees, loyalty and life lessons - galore!
Rachel is a inspiration...a wise sage. What does she have to teach us?
This is what she breathed into me:
Be loyal. Take care of your stuff. Life is an adventure. Confidence and boldness can be a good thing. An independent spirit will take you far down the road you want to go...
There's so much to take in from this story about Rachel and her chariot. Please let me know what Rachel has inspired in you.
Big Smiles,
P.S. Please keep the people of Haiti in your heart...Miracles are still happening!
Need a smile? Here's one to warm your heart...
Friday, January 15, 2010
I don't know about you but my inbox has been inundated with really cool lists to live by in the New Year. How's a girl to choose? Which list should I ascribe to? Should I make up my own list? I'm a wise girl...I could come up with one of these lists on my own, couldn't I? Then, I read Christine's list and thought - ahhh...Christine's got soul and I like her list. It's almost like she has a window into my heart. So here's her list - plain and simple. My only question is why 38? I'm a big fan of the "one thing" rule. On Christine's true maverick list, what's one thing would you be willing to commit to live by in 2010? I've got some pondering to do. Of course, as I'm sizing up the list, I'm thinking I really like the idea of going complaint-free - but how on earth could I do that one? Another that one stands out to me but it seems oh-so-hard: Refuse to collude, gossip or talk about people. Then, my inner life coach pipes in and could do that for a day, couldn't you? I answer shyly, "Prolly." Can you believe I'm admitting to you that I have conversations with my inner life coach? Before this moment, I didn't even know I had an inner life coach - Oh my. Okay, just choose one. Just for today...maybe you'll see the benefits and choose to live by it for the year. Maybe it will be too hard and you'll choose another. The point is = give it a try. I dare you to choose one thing, just for today and then if you choose, choose another just for tomorrow. "Choose" being the operative word in that sentence - lol! Let me know what you think about the list. Let me know if you get all wild and crazy and create your own list. If you do, send it my way. Contemplating, Cindy P.S. Did this resonate with you? If so, please forward it to 5 of your girlfriends or post it to facebook. |
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This Moment - NOW!
"Forever is composed of nows."
I am all about being connected to those who are in my presence. I love people. Being engaged and present has always been a strength of mine, at least that's what my friends say. So, why do I have this need to hit the reboot button and make being present to the moment my New Year's intention for 2010?
So often, our ever-advancing world of technology steals us away from the present. If you have a smart phone, you know what I'm talking about. Facebook and email come and get me all the time (ding dong, ding dong). Brad says I'm a "bit" ADD at times. I'm sure he's right (he is a psychologist, you know). How often do we let our cell phones, emails or text messages steal "present" moments away from us?
In addition to our instant technology keeping us ever-present to it, as women, we are multi-taskers by nature. I revel at my friend, Lara, who can clean her home and watch her kids all the while she's talking to me on the phone. I may multi-task well but I can't talk, listen and do chores at the same time.
If I'm honest with myself, it's not all my iPhone's fault or the fact that I've been raised as a multi-tasking woman. My thoughts often distract me from the present moment, too.
Things that distract me from being present to the moment:
· Email and Facebook
· My sometimes thoughts of being less than or the converse of being too much - oh the dichotomy.
· Borrowing worry
· My ever-increasing to-do list
I need to be present to the moment. I long for the simplicity of it. Mother Teresa practiced being present, why can't I? I know I get the irony. She's been quoted, "I believe in person to person...that person is the one person in the world at that moment".
In our oh-so-busy lives, when do we take the time to be truly present? We have so much going on each moment, so many places to be, and so many things to do. Being present is becoming increasingly more difficult.
Being present is a discipline of the mind and soul. It is something that takes practice and cultivation. Will you join me in the practice of being present. I dare you to BE PRESENT for fifteen minutes each day over the next week. Be intentional and choose these times before they happen.
Live Free,
Powerful Questions to Ponder:
What does "being present" mean to you?
What can you do to cultivate the practice of being present into your life?
What keeps you from being present to the moment?
What's on your list of things that distract you from being present?
Where would you like to be more "present" this week?