Monday, September 22, 2008

Renewable Energies

I dare you to fill your tank...As women, we invest in others, all day, every day. Is it time to invest in yourself?

Take 15 "undistracted" minutes for yourself within the next 2 days. Think about what gives you life (gives energy) and what drains your energy. Make two lists. Make the "drains my energy" list first - write down at least 10 things that are a drain on your system. Then, make your "renewable energy" list - write down 10 things you do that give you energy. Be honest with yourself. Make a commitment to do at least one thing that gives you energy each day for the next month.

I double dare you - Post your "renewable energy" list in a place you will notice it each day (ie. car dashboard, bathroom mirror, bedside table). Do something for yourself each day that gives you energy - Make this a daily ritual.

If you are having trouble coming up with your renewable energy list, email - I've got lots of ideas.