Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dare to just BE...

We are oh so very busy most days (I will spare you my soap box antics on this one...).

I dare you to take some time this week (to just BE).  You get to choose the amount of time, the location and what it means to you to just BE.  Just do it!

Just being,

What's UR perspective?

It's time to tell the truth but before you do - watch this 4 minute video on youtube.  I must warn you this guy is a bit crass but he's got truth in his perspective.

Here's your chance to tell the truth:
Where do you need perspective in your life? 
Are you in need of a new perspective? 
Who gives you perspective?

Gaining perspective,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Proud Owners

"Count yourself blessed when you're content with just who you are - no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."

I love this statement. I believe it rings true. I can't wait for the day when I am a "proud owner of everything that can't be bought." I'm happy to confess that with each decade that passes (yikes, did I just say decade) that I'm closer to that day. I am on the journey to loving myself well. It's definitely not something that has happened over night. It's taken a bunch of "self" work mixed with some self-awareness. There have also been some incredible people along the way that have helped me to learn to love myself - thank you to Lara, Lauri, Kate, Kerstin, Susan, Debby, Mike, Vickie, Ashley, Denise, Donna, Sharon and Brad - the list goes on...

I'd love for you to join me in telling the truth. The question is, "How well do you love yourself?" I'd like you to make a list of at least 5 things you LOVE about yourself - that's right AT LEAST 5. This list can include attributes, reasons, accomplishments, etc. Then, I want you to write them on an index card. I dare you to carry that card with you this week. I want you to spend a moment each day being grateful for one of the things on this all important list.

The dare = share one thing on the list with a trusted friend or family member. Share with them your hope to become "a proud of owner of everything that can't be bought."

I'm going to be bit daring and share my list with you:

1) My love for people and the desire to understand them
2) I usually can see the whole picture
3) I'm full of emotion (all kinds)
4) I'm nurturing
5) I love growing

My heart's beating a bit faster as I share from that place of vulnerability but I know it's a good thing. As a coach, I can't expect others to make the leap unless I am willing to do the same. I hope you will join me in loving yourself and being more content each step of this journey.
