Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Put "fun" on your to-do list today!

I don't know if you're like me, but when I hear the words "stress reduction" my ears perk up. Stress reduction - I ask you, "Who doesn't need that in their life???" I know I do. I read about a stress reduction technique that coaches often use in my nursing text today.

After getting off the telephone with one of my clients, I was doing some homework and came across these words. They struck a chord with me because my client had just been asking me if she was taking on too much and as every good life coach is taught, I answered her question with a question. "Of all that you are doing, what gives you life?"

So, here's what I read:

"The next step is restructuring and setting priorities, which involves shifting the balance from stress-producing to stress-reducing activities. A recent study indicated that the daily occurrence of pleasant events had a positive effect on the immune system. In fact, adding pleasurable events has more benefit than simply reducing stressful or negative ones (CBS Health Watch, 2000).

Essentially, learn to replace time-consuming chores that are not really necessary with activities that are pleasurable or interesting. Making time for recreation is as essential for healthy living as is paying bills or shopping for groceries."

Did you read that? I'll say it again for effect, "Making time for fun is as important for healthy living as paying bills and shopping for groceries." The daily occurrence of pleasant events has a positive effect on our immune system. Wow - that's good news for those of us who love to have fun and want to live healthy lives, don't you think?

I dare you to make time for fun this week! Put it on your to-do list if you're all about healthy living.

Planning for fun,

Having Fun!

P.S. I can't believe I'm quoting my textbooks - what has my world come to?

Varcarolis, Elizabeth M., Verna Benner Carson, and Nancy Shoemaker. Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing A Clinical Approach. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2006. Print.

Take a little picnic away...

So, it's been a crazy busy week here in my little world. So many men...so little time (just kidding - do you remember that song from the 80's?). It's actually a case of so much to do...so little time.

Conversely, last Wednesday, Brad and I had the opportunity to drive up to King's Canyon and had a day in the mountains...a day sitting by the river. Can you hear the late summer not-so-in-a-rush water flowing over the rocks? Can you see the sun peaking out from behind the clouds forming over the mountain? Can feel the breeze gently chilling you as it passes by? Ahhh...how it soothes the soul. I got to take a long walk by myself. It reminded me of my high school days in New Hampshire. I would come home from school and take little hikes through the woods or meander down our secluded road...some days it would even be snowing. Oh, how I loved those walks. It was my way of getting away from it all. I walked, I dreamed, I contemplated, I processed. It was good.

Brad and I love to take day trips to the mountains or the coast. We love to cast ourselves into nature. If you're like us, funds are a bit tight right now but all it costs us for a day away is the gas to get there and back. Our little "picnics" away from it all allow us to dream and contemplate. It never fails on our drives to and fro
(I've started bringing a hand-held recorder to capture these moments) - We dream. We create. We brainstorm. Good stuff happens. Visions are planted. New ways of thinking emerge. Energy flows.

The creative juices flow when we take the time to get away. I dare you to step away from the desk, the email, the cell phone, facebook, the rat race...I dare you to step away from it all every so often - be intentional. Get away for the day or even just for lunch - just make sure you take time to "get away". Let it flow...all that stuff that stays trapped on the treadmill of life. I dare you to plan your little picnic away. I dare you to put it on your calendar today.

Contemplating and implementing our brainstorms on our day away,

P.S. I met this cat on facebook. He's a cat that's not daunted by stereo-types. He's sees what he wants and goes for it. I dare us to do the same.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chocolate is good for the heart...

I am almost positive that chocolate is good for you and your heart. "They" tell me dark chocolate's got anti-oxidants and those are good for you, right? Because I'm a girl who LOVES chocolate, I'm all over that kind of talk/research. It does my heart good.

Here's some of my own anecdotal evidence: The other day I was indulging in a piece of Dove dark chocolate and I got this little message in the wrapping - Dove calls it a promise message. The message said, "You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." That's deep (pun intended). It might even be profound if it helps just one of us discover our "new ocean".

Are you on the journey of discovery? Do you have the courage to lose sight of the shore? I dare you to join me in setting sail. I dare you to give it some thought. Get out your binoculars. I dare you to put your sails up and see where the winds will take you. What do you need to leave on shore? What thoughts aren't invited for the sail? What ocean are you exploring?

Out discovering,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What's on your list?

I have this special friend named Cindy Mitchell. That was my maiden name not too long ago. I think it's cool to know someone with your own name. Call me silly that way.

Cindy Mitchell's son, Robert, has inspired me this week. He's baking 21 desserts to share with others (you should have seen the pile of 149 yummy chocolate chip cookies - the picture made my mouth water). Robert Mitchell turned 21 this year, but since he has uncontrolled epilepsy, he knew that he wouldn't be able to do the things that most 21-year-olds do. So he created a list of 21 things that he wanted to accomplish before he turns 22. He calls it his "21 list". Robert is intentional. Robert wants to a live life to the fullest and he's doing it at 21. How's that for inspiring?

Read about his date with 21 girls - WOW!

Whatever your age, whenever your birthday - I dare you to celebrate life. What do you want to do this year to celebrate YOU? What will you do this week to celebrate your life? What's the one thing you've been wanting to do? Make plans to do it. Make it your goal to make it happen. Take one step closer. Just celebrate YOU.

The other Cindy Mitchell =) (aka Cindy Steele)