Take 5 minutes (the undistracted kind) for yourself 4 times this week. Reflect on the following questions. What are the smallest things in my life? What are the biggest things in my life? What are the shallowest things in my life? What are the deepest things in my life?
After doing these reflective exercises - picture something in your mind's eye that represents something that is BIG and Deep (ie. an iceberg, an oak tree). Write it down on a post-it or find a picture in a magazine. Stick the post-it or picture somewhere that will remind you to keep your focus on what is big and deep in your life (ie. bathroom mirror, dashboard, refrigerator, bedside table). You could also write this "something" on an index card and carry around with you in a pocket for the next week as a constant reminder of what's important to you in this life.
Begin to let go of what is small and shallow stuff in your life. Be creative - find ways to remind yourself daily to focus on what is BIG and DEEP in your life.