Yesterday, I was facilitating a group coaching call. It was a homework group for a coaching class on the process of creating a 5 year vision for yourself. My job was to ask lots of questions, similar actually to the questions I ask you all regularly:
What gives you life? How do you define the "simple life" for yourself? On a scale, from 1 to 10, if your relationships were at a 10, what would that look like for you?
Each of us was giving sincere answers to the questions. Then, one of the "students" on the call shared a personal story with us that gripped our hearts. All of sudden, we had been transported to what I like to call "holy ground". We had entered a sacred place. We each felt honored to be present. Although, none of us knew each other well, you could say we were colleagues but really we were mere acquaintances, until that moment when we experienced a true connection and became bonded.
You ask what brought us to that sacred place? I believe it was the willingness of that one participant. She was willing to be present. She was authentic. She chose well with whom she confided. She seized the moment.
I encourage you to be present in the small gatherings of life. I dare you to engage in authentic ways. Choose well those whom you share yourself with...but do choose to share yourself! I know it takes courage to put yourself out there - but the reward is there for the taking. I dare you to seize the moment!
Seizing moments,