What little girl doesn't want a pony? I know I did. After reading books like the Black Stallion and Misty of Chincoteague in 3rd grade, I longed for a pony. Guess what? My parents didn't have the money to buy me a pony and there weren't really any stables close to my home in Miami, so I settled for toy horses. In retrospect, they are so much work anyway =) I know my friends, Brittanie and Alley can attest to that =)
Here's a short commercial I'd love for you to watch (please forgive me in advance for supporting the cause of "the Man" by passing along one of his advertisements):
It's classic. That little girl didn't even know she could ask for the real deal. Are you asking for the real deal? Are you asking for what you want? Sometimes, I wonder if I know what I really want. Sometimes, I know and I just don't ask. Sometimes we need to take a step back and get some perspective. I dare us to just that. Take a moment and ask yourself:
What do I really want? Am I asking for it? Am I willing and ready to ask for the real deal?