Thursday, November 4, 2010
sing out loud!
I spend three hours driving most days ~ I know crazy, huh? That's what happens when you become a married country girl who decides to go to nursing school. Don't think I don't remember my days on the 38 Muni in San Francisco as a single, city girl with fondness because I do. A couple of weeks ago when I was searching for some more "breathing room" in my days, I decided (with the encouragement of my Visalia Less Drama Queens) to stop multi-tasking when I drive and spend the time listening to music, driving in silence and/or reflecting on my day. I must admit I haven't been totally successful with my new resolution but when I do it ~ it's bliss.
So, yesterday I'm driving down the road listening to the 70's station on Sirius and "Sing!" by Karen Carpenter came on the radio. It brought me back to circa 1973 ~ I was swinging and singing at the top of my lungs out in our backyard with the audience of me, myself and I. I was full of life and I was content. After all, I was singing out loud and at the ripe ol' age of 7, I knew it was my favorite song. I'm here to tell you I don't have the voice of angels - but I do love belting them out with the likes of Celine.
Of course, I know the words by heart but yesterday these words really hit home and I thought each and every one of us needs our own song to SING:
Sing, sing a song,
sing out loud, sing out strong.
Sing of good things not bad,
sing of happy not sad.
Sing, sing a song.
Make it simple to last your whole life long,
Don't' worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear.
Just sing, sing a song,
Just sing, sing a song,
Just sing, sing a song.
Sing, sing a song,
let the world sing along.
Sing of love there could be.
Sing for you and for me,
sing of the best there could be.
Sing, sing a song.
Make it simple to last your whole life long,
Don't' worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear.
Just sing, sing a song,
Just sing, sing a song,
Just sing, sing a song.
Just a little side note ~ "Sing" was written by Joe Raposo, a staff songwriter for Sesame Street. No wonder it was my favorite at age 7.
So, here's what I'm thinking. It's time you and I became lyricists and wrote our own theme song. Are you willing to take a time out this week? Take the time to reflect on the stuff of life that energizes you, that pumps you up, that inspires you. I dare you to write your own song. Make sure to add the good things...the happy...the stuff that your dreams are made of. Remember as you sit down to compose ~ that Joe says to make it simple to last your whole life long.
Once it's written, I want us to sing it like nobody's listening. I want us to sing of the best. I want us to sing for you and for me and don't forget to sing of the love there could be...Just sing, sing a song! It might sound a bit corny but I'm knowing there's gonna be power in it.
Are you with me on this? Are you willing to let your creative juices flow? If you're in one of my Less Drama Queen groups ~ Guess what? You will get the opportunity live and in person to write your song. I'm gonna use my drive time this week to reflect on this. You can bet my song will include some of these good things:
be real. be true. take time to breathe. love on brad. be still sometimes. the ocean waves are salve to my soul. don't rush. always give thanks for my girlfriends. don't forget that God gives abundantly. create. wait with an expectant heart. share with others. be generous. play hard. laugh lots. live well. thrive.
I can feel my song welling up in my heart as I write. If you're daring, please share your song with us via email or facebook. If you're really daring ~ invite your gal pals over for a song writing party over a glass of fun would that be?
My heart sings,
good things,
sing a song