Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Very Own "Oops"

I was working on a very fun project yesterday on the computer (our Less Drama Girlfriends slideshow) and I hit the wrong button unknowingly and did it probably more than once.  I lost over 3 hours of work.  Ugh - not so fun - so maddening! 

I must admit that I hate when I make mistakes like that.  Actually, I'm not a big fan of making mistakes at all but I know it's part of life.  I should go back and read that archived Truth or Dare on the perfect girl.  For those of you who need to join me in reading it again (and for those who just joined us):

I should be more grace-filled with myself when mistakes happen.  I speak about the importance of growing and that making mistakes is part of that process all the time.  I must be a slow learner =)  So for my sake, please indulge my contemplations on making mistakes:

1)  If I make a mistake, it means I'm moving forward.
2) If I make a mistake, it means I'm taking risks.
3) If I make a mistake and I learn from it, it means I'm on the right path.
4) If I make a mistake, it means I'm human.

Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford (that means she's smart) says this:

"People who believe in the power of talent tend not to fulfill their potential because they're so concerned with looking smart and not making mistakes. But people who believe that talent can be developed are the ones who really push, stretch, confront their own mistakes and learn from them."

I have some of my very own "oops" stories to share with you some day soon but I've run out of time for today.  For now, I'll just remind myself that I'm all about growing.

I dare you to be shower yourself with grace the next time you make an "oops"!

Moving Forward,