Thursday, July 30, 2009

No more second helpings, please!

The other day this facebook status stopped me in my tracks.  It definitely struck a note.  I immediately commented, "WHO wrote this quote?".  My friend, Ashey Smith, told me it was more of a "note to self" but she decided to share it with her facebook world.  I'm so glad she did - because now I get to share it with you.

"Don't spend one more second feeding your doubts, fears and insecurities. Spend that precious and valuable energy living 
your purpose with uninhibited passion"

That elicits an "OH MY" from me.  How much time do I waste feeding my doubts, fear and insecurities?  I've done a bunch of healing in this realm but more recently, I've noticed that since I'm living in this new and exciting frontier of speaking engagements and writing a book, I'm spending more time at this not so nourishing feeding trough.   

My "note to self" that I dare to share with you:

Doubts, fears, and insecurities are normal.  Let's recognize them for what they are.  Let's be aware of them.  But as soon as you notice your feeding from that trough - redirect yourself.  It's time to feed from the truth.  It's time to be nourished in the thoughts that I am a treasure.  God is my teacher.  I am learning.  I am stepping out in faith.  I am trusting myself and those who have been placed in my path.  I am living out my purpose with uninhibited passion.

I share this with you from my heart, not to receive reassurance but to receive community.  I believe that when we are honest and true with each other in the good, the bad and the ugly - a good work takes place and we are known more fully amongst each other.  

I dare you to feed from the trough of goodness and truth.  Put your doubts on a diet today.  Live out your life with uninhibited passion - woohoo!

Truthfully yours,