So many thoughts are running through my mind as I write you today.
Last night, I headed south for a business women's networking event and as I drove I listened to a personal interview with Seth Godin, marketing guru extraordinaire. For those of you haven't heard of Seth, he blogs on marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread. He's insightful and authentic. In the interview, he said that he writes about the things he notices. I immediately thought of you all because that's usually how I come up with our weekly Truth or Dares. I write on what I notice. I'm always on the look out for something that inspires me. This week, inspiration was a bit slow in coming. In case you hadn't noticed, it's Friday already =)
So, I'm at the networking event and *POW* - it arrived - a seemingly unusual message jumped off the page of a catalog. Immediately, I knew it was for us.
"We are never so lost that angels can't find us".
As I sat down to write this morning, my mind was blank. How could I incorporate this message? Nothing was coming, how frustrating is that? When my mind is empty of inspiration, one of the places I turn to is (I know, you're thinking word geek).
Lost (lawst, lost) - adjective
having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to place, direction, etc. : lost children.
Angel (eyn-juhl) - noun
a messenger of God
Still nothing. Then, I asked Brad for help. He started firing questions at me.
What are angels? Messengers of God.
What's their message? Their message is often, "Fear not." They send us messages of hope, truth, protection, care, guidance, and future well-being.
Have you ever been lost? Yes.
How did you feel? unhinged, disconnected, alone, scared, confused, frustrated, panicked, unsettled.
It's so comforting to know that we are never so lost that angels can't find us. In this season of hustle and bustle, they can find us and usher us into the wonder. In our business affairs, they can find us and provide direction, hope and guidance for the future. In our relationships, they can find us and promote love, forgiveness and care.
So, the next time you are feeling lost, literally or figuratively, I dare you to rest in the knowledge that the angels will come and they will bring messages of deliverance.
Peace and Joy,
P.S. I wish you all very Merry days! This is priceless: