Living a life that matters is fundamental for me. It's what I do. It's been my life's work thus far. I help others live a life that matters. When I think about what's important to me - it's just that. I've never really stated it this way before today but it's true. Looking back over the past 15 years, whether I was teaching my kids at St. James UMC about oreo cookies and being the light in the darkness, or I was fighting for the truth in the life of one of my drug-addicted homeless friends in San Francisco - the message has been the same - live a life that matters.
As I ponder resolutions and intentions for the New Year, it is my hope that you will make your life matter. Make it matter to you. Make it matter to me. Make it matter to your family, your friends, your community - shoot, let's make it matter to the world, too. I'm not just saying this, "I mean it!" I believe it's my job on this earth (i.e. my purpose) to help us discover the life that matters and what's even more important than that - helping us find ways to live that life! This job fulfills me - coincidentally, it makes my life matter. Isn't it funny how that works?
So, as you think about your intentions for 2010 - think about what matters to you. Let that inform your dreams, your goals, and your actions.
Once we discover the life that matters to us, it's important to live it. It's in this that we become free. It's in living the life that matters that we live out our purpose. It's where we thrive.
What matters to me:
Speaking the truth
Being authentic
Being engaged and present
Having fun
Loving well
Being loved
Nurturing others
That's it in a nutshell - pure and simple. When I'm intentional about living the life that matters to me - these elements are present. When I live in this space, life is abundant.
So, what matters to you? How will it inform your New Year's intentions? Email me and let me know what matters to you -
Looking Forward,
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