Saturday, March 6, 2010
It takes a girl!
Most of us girls (living in America) have grown up in an age of believing that we could do anything and be anything we wanted to be! We were given the power to believe. We were given "eyes" to see. I think it's safe to say that my sissy bum and I owe my mom a big, ginormous thanks for instilling that confidence within us. Thanks mom for giving us a vision and a hope for our future.
I so strongly believe in the power of girlfriends. I believe that we can see in each other the great things that are destined to be. I believe that we hold the keys to unlocking opportunities for each other.
Some girls around the world haven't been given the keys or worse yet, they've had them stolen by circumstances out of their control. We who have been given much must help them unlock the doors to their opportunity.
"We are limited not by our abilities, but by our vision." Author unknown
I've got two videos that I want to share with you today. I believe that awareness is the first step to making significant changes. I believe that we hold the keys to unlocking great things for our girlfriends around the world. I believe that we must first have the eyes to see. PLEASE take the time to watch these videos. They are powerful!
The first one asks this question of you. The world is a mess.
The second one dares you:
I dare you to join me in finding ways to celebrate International Women's Day (March 8th). It's a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.
Girls rule and boys drool,
Please be sure to visit Girl Effect on facebook. It's got great tools for creating awareness and making a difference. After all, it only takes a girl.