I love when my worlds converge with a message. Be present. Don't rush. Be still.
Yesterday, I had lunch with a new girlfriend and she asked "How could she pray for me?" Translation = What do I really need? I need some help returning to my New Year's Intention of REALLY being present to the moment.
A colleague asked this question, "What's on your well-being check list?" At first I didn't like the idea of having yet another checklist in my life, especially when we are talking about my well-being. After pondering the question, I realized that my well-being definitely includes not rushing from here to there. I put it on the list - Don't rush.
While I lived in San Francisco, I had the incredible opportunity to "sit under" the teaching of a trusted friend, colleague and wise sage - Debby Bellingham. I went on a number of personal retreats with Debby that took us away from the craziness of every day. The number one priority of each of these getaways was to be still. I've been missing those times, literally and figuratively. Well, guess what? I just got invited to one the weekend of April 9-11th. I replied with a resounding yes. Pick me! I need some "still-ness" from my one-woman-juggling act of "RN student, Queen of Less Drama, life coaching, booking writing, domestic un-goddess and wife."
And then, this morning I read this quote on another coaching colleague's facebook status (Thank you Heidi). "If we take the time to be quiet, be still, and be present, we may start to see things we haven't seen before - things that have been right in front of our eyes. And those are the things that change the world." ~ Dan Pallotta
I went and read Dan's post on the Harvard Business Review blog. Powerful stuff. Please click on the link below and read the post.
I dare you to take a moment and ask "What's in it (the post) for you?"
Dan encourages us to take the time to see things as they are - then set out to make changes. Dan Pallotta is a leading expert on innovation in the nonprofit sector and a pioneering social entrepreneur. He knows the power of asking "WHY?"
Why do we do what we do? Are we making life matter? What would happen if you took some time to be still? Is the investment of being present to NOW worth it? How would slowing down serve me and the ones I love?
Taking some time out to just be still,
P.S. Maybe I should take the wheels off my suitcase and slow down - LOL!