Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I can't decide!

Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the decisions you have to make?  Would you be willing to let total strangers make some of those decisions for you? 

Please read this fun article.  It will be a pleasurable diversion from all those decisions that are waiting/weighting upon you?


This is quite the dare.  Would you be daring enough to try this "random act of indecision" social experiment?  I'm not sure I'm am, but, with enough of you on board I might be swayed.  We could pick a date to let others make our decisions - it might be kind of fun.  Let me know what you think.

Looking Forward,

P.S.  I would never have trouble picking out a dozen donuts.  I know exactly what I would get.  I can envision it now - Krispy Kreme, here I come.  Just kidding - I don't even know where the closest Krispy Kreme is (boohoo).

Friday, April 17, 2009

She dreamed a dream!

Susan Boyle is everywhere I go this week.  I found her on twitter.  She's nearly 48.  She lives with her cat.  She's never been kissed.  She's  from a small "collection of villages".  She has dreamed a dream...


What a welcomed surprise!  I "met" Susan earlier this week on twitter (thank you Perry -
http://twitter.com/perrybelcher).  Some of you might have already met her.  For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, I just had to introduce you.  Brad said I should wait until next week (one truth or dare a week, right?).  I couldn't wait any longer when I saw her on CNN this evening.  She's glorious.  So unassuming...so in your face in such a gentle way.  Unexpectedly, she "screams" GO FOR IT. She makes my heart sing.

She reminds me not to judge a book by it's cover.  My dare for you:  Look underneath your "cover" to see what hidden gems are living deep within just waiting to be shared with others.  For those who dare - Step out and share that gem just like Susan - it's never too late!

Be changed in these moments.  Dream your dream.  Make it happen!


p.s. Want some more inspiration?  Over 24,000,000 peeps have viewed her dream on
www.youtube.com.  4,000,000 while I was typing this Truth or Dare.  WOW!

p.s.s.  For more about Susan and her dream, please check out CNN.com.  She's a headliner tonight. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yet Another Interruption

I've been thinking about the gems that I'm writing about in my book that I hope to finish this summer.  Right now, I'm committing to you all to have it done by Labor Day.  I'm playing around with the title - "Contemplations of a Less Drama Queen",   "How to Increase Your Less Drama Factor", "Profile of a Less Drama Queen", "Little Gems to Live By...The Life of a Less Drama Queen", "Less Drama, More Freedom"...the list goes on!

My book is about the journey.  It is centered on 5 life gems - communication, boundaries, growing, the power of girlfriends, and living the important life.  I've been sharing some of my thoughts and insights along the way in this weekly truth or dare.  

So today's installment touches on the topic of boundaries.  Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me.  They help us let the good in and keep the bad out.  A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership.

Knowing what I am to own and take responsibility for gives me freedom. If I know where my "yard" begins and ends, I am free to do with it what I like. Taking responsibility for my life opens up many different options.

So - with that said about boundaries - I read this statistic this morning in the magazine, PINK,  "Interruptions consume 28 percent of the average workday."  Source - Basex.

Interruptions are sometimes welcomed.  Interruptions and distractions are sometimes needed but sometimes they keep us from being effective and getting what we really want.

I dare you to tell the truth:
Where do you need to set up a fence, door, gate, wall to keep the interruptions at bay?  
What can you devote 2 hours of un-interrupted time to in the next week?  Where do you want to curb your interruptions?  Where can you eliminate interruptions?

All good questions to ponder - especially when you are trying to write a book =)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What will you do with the next 525,600 minutes?

I might be a bit manic today.  Can I tell you how much I love the song Seasons of Love from the musical RENT?  I LOVE it!  I just happened to hear the other day when I was finishing up my speaking gig with Women with Visions Unlimited (www.wwvu.org).  

As I was perusing youtube (I don't really have that much time on my hands - I love distractions), I found it.  

So many truth or dares to be had in just one song.  It's amazing (kinda scary) to me how one's mind can hold onto so many different thoughts at one time.  Ok...let's get on to the more important stuff.  Please take time to listen to this video (type in Seasons of Love in the youtube window) - REALLY listen to the words.  Let them soak in...

What words stood out to you?  What thoughts ran through your mind?  What truth needs to be told?  What dares need to be dared?

Today's Truth or Dare is a do-it-yourself.  Do one of your own or choose from one that came to my mind:

What will you do with the next 1440 minutes?
How do you measure your worth?
Take time to watch the sunset some time this week.
How often do you laugh?  Do you need to laugh more?
When you wake up tomorrow ask yourself this question : "What do I want to get done before the sun sets today?"
How would I live my life differently - if I measured it in love?
Are there any bridges that need mending?
How will you measure your life?
How will you remember this coming year in the lives of your friends?
How can you celebrate today?
How do you measure time?  How do you WANT to measure time?
Is it time to celebrate?

Which ever truth or dare you choose - Make it relevant.  Be truthful.  Be daring.  

Measuring my life,