Friday, April 17, 2009

She dreamed a dream!

Susan Boyle is everywhere I go this week.  I found her on twitter.  She's nearly 48.  She lives with her cat.  She's never been kissed.  She's  from a small "collection of villages".  She has dreamed a dream...

What a welcomed surprise!  I "met" Susan earlier this week on twitter (thank you Perry -  Some of you might have already met her.  For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, I just had to introduce you.  Brad said I should wait until next week (one truth or dare a week, right?).  I couldn't wait any longer when I saw her on CNN this evening.  She's glorious.  So in your face in such a gentle way.  Unexpectedly, she "screams" GO FOR IT. She makes my heart sing.

She reminds me not to judge a book by it's cover.  My dare for you:  Look underneath your "cover" to see what hidden gems are living deep within just waiting to be shared with others.  For those who dare - Step out and share that gem just like Susan - it's never too late!

Be changed in these moments.  Dream your dream.  Make it happen!


p.s. Want some more inspiration?  Over 24,000,000 peeps have viewed her dream on  4,000,000 while I was typing this Truth or Dare.  WOW!

p.s.s.  For more about Susan and her dream, please check out  She's a headliner tonight.