Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not-so-Random Act of Kindness

So today, I was working with one of my coaching clients.  We were talking about her strengths and how she could use one of her strengths to get something done that's important to her (although, she never seems to find the time to get it done).  One of her strengths is kindness and generosity.  She is always busy taking care of others and being oh-so-kind and overly generous with her time to others.  So, I turned the tables a bit on her and and challenged her with this question: 

How can you be kind and generous with yourself in regards to getting this done? "Hmmm...", she said.

It got me to thinking "How can I be kind and generous to myself this week?  What random act of kindness do I need to shower upon myself?" and as that pondering always goes - I thought of you all - my truth or dare gals.

So here's the truth and the dare:  
Ask yourself what not-so-random act of kindness will you shower upon yourself this week?  Do it!  Email me when you've done it.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Girlfriends are the best...

Best girlfriends are not easy to come by - they take time and investment of our energy.  We must search them out.  We must be open and vulnerable.  We must take the time to invest in each other.  We must listen.  We must be available.  One thing I've learned in the life (and I think you'd all agree with me) - they are worth it all!

They support us.  They challenge us.  They hold our secrets.  They inspire us to be the best we can be.  They trust us.  They know us (inside and out).  They extend grace (most of the time).  They remind us we are sane (for the most part).  They remind us of who we are (a treasure) and who we want to become.  They give us hope.  There is nothing better than being able to just be yourself in their presence.  They are our comfort zone.

I've recently moved and miss having my girlfriends close in proximity.  I miss the good girl time face-to-face.  I've been on the search for a girlfriend or two in my new community.  I know it will be worth the investment - but to tell the truth, I admit it takes energy that some days I don't think I have within me.  Thank goodness, most of my girlfriends are just a phone call away.  When I need some good girl time - I pick up the phone with a glass of wine in hand - it's a bit of a virtual experience but it's good and it's always good for my soul to reconnect and have that heart-to-heart.  Just writing about those moments brings comfort in a world of new experiences.

I want to encourage you today - whether you have great girl time right in your own hood or if you're like me - it's a phone call away - MAKE TIME FOR GOOD GIRL TIME - we all need it.  I believe girlfriends help sustain us.  If you want some tips on how to build new friendships please be sure to email me, cindy@lessdrama.com.  I'm thinking I've got some expertise in this area - I've made 5 significant moves in my adult life (from NH to FL to GA to CA).  I also think I've got the best girlfriends in all the world (I might be a bit bias).

Please take 3 minutes and watch this youtube video.  I want you to meet these "wise women" who get what it means to be a best friend - Bella and Tara know this instinctively.  Enjoy!


Looking for some new girlfriends in the valley,

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Powerful Noise

March 5th was International Women's Day. "A Powerful Noise" was shown at theaters around the US with a panel discussion lead by Anne Curry.

Please check out the trailer:

As women, we have been given an incredible power within us. A power to heal, a power to inspire, and a power to overcome. I believe that it's important to use this gift for good and to help each other become empowered.

I dare you to tell the truth:
What power do you have?
Where does your power come from?

I dare you to join me in finding out where and when we can watch this film. If you had the opportunity to see it - let us know how it impacted you. Please check out their website:


I've got the power - do you?,

Monday, March 2, 2009

and THAT's the rest of the story

Paul Harvey died on Saturday. That's a sad thing for those who loved to hear the "Rest of the Story" - but the good news is he's with his Angel (his wife's name) in heaven. Here's a sweet (and behind the scenes) article written about Mr. Harvey that I found on CNN this morning.


Paul Harvey was skilled in his craft of writing and telling "The Rest of the Story". As I read the article from his friend/colleague it got me to thinking...

What's the rest of my story? Do I have the power to write it? Clearly, some of the rest of my story is out of my control but I do have power over my attitude, my priorities, what's important, my choices, and my action.

What's the rest of your story?

So, the dare. I dare you to spend some time this week contemplating your life in terms of a Paul Harvey moment. Fill in the blank to "...and THAT'S the rest of the story."

What is the THAT? What will the rest of your story look like? How do you want to write it? What are the key elements that must be told? What do you envision? Will your dreams come true?

Take some time to picture it. Write it down, if it helps you. Draw it. Capture it in a collage. Just be sure to be participate in the REST of YOUR STORY. Make it the story you want it to be.

Contemplating the Rest of the Story,