Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not-so-Random Act of Kindness

So today, I was working with one of my coaching clients.  We were talking about her strengths and how she could use one of her strengths to get something done that's important to her (although, she never seems to find the time to get it done).  One of her strengths is kindness and generosity.  She is always busy taking care of others and being oh-so-kind and overly generous with her time to others.  So, I turned the tables a bit on her and and challenged her with this question: 

How can you be kind and generous with yourself in regards to getting this done? "Hmmm...", she said.

It got me to thinking "How can I be kind and generous to myself this week?  What random act of kindness do I need to shower upon myself?" and as that pondering always goes - I thought of you all - my truth or dare gals.

So here's the truth and the dare:  
Ask yourself what not-so-random act of kindness will you shower upon yourself this week?  Do it!  Email me when you've done it.
